Update #9 Southeast Asia A

Today was a crazy day, in the morning we went to a home for formerly abused and trafficked children and brought food and talked with them and just spent time with them. It was really heavy hearing some of the stories of the kids that were currently there. It was heartbreaking but even despite all of this I could still see hope through a lot of the children that were there.

After we came back and had lunch we all split up, some went to go to the school and practice for worship at the youth group some went to find a sink and try to install it back at the home from the morning and some went to go get their nails done with the fieldworkers. It was an eventful day with a lot happening. 

After we went to Youth Lab, which is the youth group that the ministry helps run and it was an amazing night everyone was worshiping and praising the Lord with all of their heart and it made me really happy to just see all of the kids have such a fire and passion for Jesus.

Thank you all for the continued prayers and support!


4 responses to “Update #9 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    Thank you for being the hands and feet for Jesus, I’m sure those kids felt the love of God through you. I’m praying for healing over those who have gone through so much. May the Lord continue to bless and protect you, give you strength and peace, and be your portion.

  2. Oma Sue says:

    Not much can top a powerful worship time with youth who joyfully praise the same God we do, yet are from another country and culture…It does the heart good to experience such a time!!
    What a blessing for you all!! Continue to spread the hope and love God gave you all, as a witness of Him. He’s being Glorified in and through all you beloved saints!! Your storing up treasures in Heaven! So honored to be a small part of that through our prayers…
    Loving you through prayers, Oma Sue

  3. Carol Bathauer says:

    Hey guys. I’m JD’s Nana and just started reading the last couple of posts. We have been praying for you all and have been so blessed to read and see pics of all you’re doing for God’s glory. He ismiles as you pour love, hard work, worship leading and joy into these precious people. Thank you so much for sharing your extraordinary experiences with us. Praying for and cheering you on. BTW, Happy belated birthday to JD

  4. Gina diehl says:

    Wow! Thank you for this update! Continued using to pray over you all!