Hola! (From Cass)
We started off our Tuesday with a great team Devo led by our very own Josh and then we had a time of worship together. As we wrapped up our much needed morning team time together, our field worker came over and briefed us on our schedule for the week. While he was talking to us he let us know that there were a few absolute musts for us to try before going home at the end of the week. One of those things was having lunch at a beautiful restaurant called Tartin. So, after our briefing we all headed to Tartin to have a team brunch. Our field worker was right! It was absolutely stunning and the food was beautiful and delicious.
After our brunch, Tabitha, Emily, Hannah, and Alyssa headed to the Dushanbe mall where they were able to make another contact that they will hopefully be able to follow up with before the end of the week! While they were doing this, Josh and Dom had a meeting with another fieldworker to learn the ins and outs of business in the context of the ministry here. Cass and Deb headed to a Museum of Antiquities and saw some really cool artifacts before going to a prayer set where they interceded for University Students here and around the world.
After that prayer set was done we began prepping for the next prayer set to intercede for Afghans and it began to thunder and rain hard and the power went out with a pop! Just then, the rest of the team arrived to the prayer room and we proceeded to do the prayer set with just the lighting from the windows. Emily, Alyssa, and Josh had prepped a worship set for the third session in prayer and worship. And the power being out called for a quick change of plans. Instead of playing the bass, Josh played the cajón, the two girls lead the vocals and our field worker helped out by playing the acoustic guitar. It was a beautiful time of worship and a good reminder that nothing can get in the way of offering our worship to the Lord.
After the set we headed out to have a team dinner at Bella’s which is an amazing pizzeria owned by M’s serving here. We had delicious food and great conversation. Then to end the night, our field worker invited us over for a bonfire. We all sat by the fire, laughed and shared stories, the kids of other field workers that were there loved playing with Tabitha and Hannah, and it was just an overall great time of fellowship.
Please keep us in prayer as we aim to finish out this final week strong and we can wait to see and hug our loved ones back home!
To didan!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Sounds like a great week. Praying you finish strong.