Hi y’all! Amanda here with western Europe’s blog! Man what a busy couple of days!
Tuesday we woke up had breakfast and a Marilyn read us a devo, prayed and we were off to the metro for our 2nd full day of English immersion camp! But things didn’t go as planned. I was praying and missed our 1st exit on the metro… I opened my eyes and everyone was gone, so yeah I had a long 4 hours hanging out in the metro talking to Jesus. The team was initially worried as they tried to look for me but they knew I was okay. God’s always with me. He had me. It was great seeing my team after we were reunited.
I was bummed I missed the camp, but I got to hear all about it and see pictures! The kids got to learn, do crafts, play telephone, pictionary, four square and have fun surrounded by the Holy Spirit. We all got to relax for a bit after and I made a salad.
At 4pm we were off to the next camp, stopping for coffee along the way. Our last day of camp! Man, was it bitter sweet. We got to play and just love on all the kids! Teaching them English words, dancing, singing, water balloon toss, crafts, and English card games. We had a few accidents playing capture the flag, a kid fell out of a tree and skinned his shin really bad, Cole got to be doctor, putting his medical background into play cleaning and bandaged him all up, as well as giving advice. The next injury, a minor scrape, he was asking for Cole.
It was such a blessing to see all these different age kiddos enjoying themselves, growing more confident in themselves and their abilities, trying new things, listening, and helping. We had theme days during the camp: good friend/bad friend and the good Samaritan (treat others the way you wanted to be treated-don’t judge) and watching them catch themselves teasing another kid and correct themselves was beautiful! God is for surely in that place and was moving in their lives. Marilyn played games and made strong bonds and friendships with the mothers which we know opened doors! So many seeds planted! So much love! The kids really took a liking to us! It warmed our hearts. At the end of the day we sent them home with goodies, treats, a full heart and smiles and it was all God. He kept providing us with the strength and wisdom needed… He carried us.
We cleaned up and headed to ice cream, it was raining and thundering, the thunder was loud!!! The ice cream spot was off the chain!!! So many flavors, treats, desserts, crepes, cones, cups so many things and they were super generous with the servings and it was so creamy! The crepe was huge! The entire atmosphere and the service was extraordinary. We made it home with no rain, ready for debrief and prayer requests, which is always good! Best way to end a long day. Hailey and I got all the donations ready to take to the center in the moring, man talk about seeing God move. We had 4 suitcases full of toys, games, crafts, and all kinds of stuff for the kids. We were all ready for bed but it was a party out in the streets.
Wednesday morning, most of us got to sleep in some, Macie and Marilyn made breakfast. We ate, did a run through of the day and we were ready! Prayed and headed out, of course a coffee spot but this one was not one of the good ones. Adorado café, Cold brew 1.5-tasted like tea, Esthetic 5, lemon bread 6, atmosphere 5.
We got to the center and we were ready to clean! A suprise to us, our Moroccan friend was back with more of her tea and this time she also brought bread with oil and honey and cake, her dad’s recipe. We love spending time with her! We had a little group meeting, the list went up and we all pulled together and got it all done listening to worship music and cleaning away. Again God showed up and supplied us with everything we needed. We went through all the donations again, separated and put them away. Than we got to eat Moroccan food, oh man!! So bomb! I ate lamb for the first time! Delicious! We had the perfect amount of food, just a little left over and some dessert pastries, oh man the pastries here are fire!!!
So we finished up, cleaned up said our goodbyes, thank yous and blessed the center and staff. It was raining again! We got to enjoy walking back to the house in the rain! Our last walk from the center. When we got back to the house we got settled and began our big debrief! It was actually really good! 25 questions we got to take our time write them down and share. Our team does a really good job sharing. It was beautiful to re experience the entire trip, remembering it all seeing God move the entire time. We have so much love for the kids and families it was really good to just let everything out, good, not so good, sad, things that we will and won’t miss. It was just a beautiful experience. God really showed up. I just love my team! We decided to have free time after, refill up our cups however that looks. And prepare for tomorrow.

L’Origine speciality coffee… rated an 8! One of the good ones!! Coffee roastery/coffee shop with another coffee shop across the way!