Assalom! *w/ right hand over heart*
We hope all is well back home!!! We’ve started our last week here strong 🙂 Yesterday (Monday) our day began with a Devo by Dominic and a time a worship led by Emily. We then headed to our fieldworker’s gathering place to worship with locals and everyone there shared highs and low from last week. Next, we had another language lesson and learned fruits, animals, and shopping lingo. It was a funny time with word games to help us learn. We all had a laugh attack when I (Deb) wasn’t able to say Lablabu, beet in this language… it’s pronounced Lah-blah-boo, instead, La-blah-blue kept coming out.
Thankfully, Tabitha and Hannah had the chance to visit a local school. They toured this international school with one of our fieldworkers and even pet a hedge hog, a favorite in the classrooms. While they had fun at school, the rest of us hit up one of our favorite coffee shops where Josh met up with a fieldworker to talk about the business side of this organization. And he was able to make friends with a local waiter.
Most of the gals headed to their last fitting for their Kurtas, done by a local business woman. They can’t wait to see the final product!! Later that evening, Josh, Alyssa, and Emily were able to go practice for their worship set today at a secured spot in the city where Christians gather for prayer and worship. Such an honor!
And unfortunately, we had another team member fall victim to a stomach bug. Poor Cass had a rough day trying to hold back from getting sick, even to the point of actively swallowing her own vomit Yuck!! Should we give her an award or what?
Praise the Lord for all He’s doing here and the work He’s so proud of! We’re very thankful to see a small piece of what’s in the works.
Thank you for your prayers!! Please continue praying for health, safety, and peace.
To didan!!! <3
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

We’re so grateful to see all the updates and awesome pictures. We continue to pray for good health and energy for all of you, and an abundance of God’s wisdom and love, that He would continue to guide you and bless all the wonderful opportunities and connections that are being made there!