Hi! From the other half of the team! We started our weekend with worship with the rest of the team then split off. We took taxis and some of our fieldworkers cars and rode 2 1/2 hrs on a lot of scary roads to a parking lot in the middle of nowhere. Emily was in a taxi where the driver was used to the crazy roads so he drove fast. In Emily’s words “he was zooming!” We then had to walk from the parking lot to our campsite with our heavy backpacking bags on. It was a challenge and some of us definitely took a few breaks to finally get there. We then set up tents and ate instant ramen.
The next day 3 of us (Josh, Emily, and Tabitha) went on a challenging hike up to the lake. It was a 2,500 ft altitude increase from our previous 8,500 altitude. So we were struggling!! The view was totally worth it though and we got to see the snow and frozen lake at the top!
While we did this Cass and Alyssa went on a “walk” that ended up being more of a hike around the lake then soaked their feet in the lake after. It was during this time they sadly got really crispy. Some of our team stayed up late enough that night to enjoy the beautiful clear sky of stars that night!
Then we headed out the next morning. Alyssa was very happy about all the goats, sheep, donkey and cows we saw on our way back. She even tried to pet them through the car window. We were happy to be reunited with our shower and our team when we got back!!
To close the weekend we had a movie night tonight with some of our field workers and another short term team. It was a very intentional film about the underground church in Iran and how they’re growing amidst the persecution they face. It was very eye opening seeing the things they’re doing in Iran and how it’s connecting to the things that our field workers are doing here in country. After the movie we had good time to debrief what we watched and prayed over the ministry in Iran and the other Persian countries.
Called: Sheep Among Wolves 10/10 recommend it’s free on YouTube!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Praying for you all!! Way to go climbing that mountain. Praying that you who hope in the Lord will have your strength renewed for a new day!!!