We’ve now switched to having our soccer camps. We got the opportunity to play soccer with some kids from another village. We were dominateddddd. The score was only 1-0 but still. Playing with the kids while they had no shoes on was really impressive. We also got to introduce them to Mexican food!! Winnie took on the challenge of trying to find the ingredients here with one of our field workers and managed to find everything he needed here at the local market. We made them chicken tacos, rice, beans, and horchata. They loveddddd it. The kids towards the end kept coming back for more and more horchata. Before we knew it, it was all gone. I’ve also (Bre) gotten to teach them some Spanish words and slang. Now when they play all we hear is “DALE BICHAA”, which means “let’s go girllll” or we’ll also hear “AFUERAAAA”, which means “OUTT”. It’s been so fun to not only be able to learn their language but have them learn Spanish. They’ve picked up on it really quick. We feel like we now have good relationships with everyone and so we’re all really sad that we’re coming to the last few days here.
⁃ Bre Gonzalez
Danny and Bre have both shared their testimony to the masses while Maddie and Winnie have shared their love for soccer at the camps. Every kid here loves yelling Isaac’s name. Ashley has built sweet relationships from the sidelines. & Nat has continued her mission to learn anything and everything about being a missionary. It’s been incredible to see the strides taken by our group to learn and grow. Whether we’re watching puppet shows, getting beat in soccer, or putting on epic pickleball tournaments we are finding joy in it all. Thank you for the continued prayer!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Be bold y’all. Choose to be strong and courageous! The Lord is doing amazing things around each one of you and has his angels around you guys protecting you and guiding you. Continue to spread his love and look for opportunities to share your testimony because it is always a powerful message.