How do I describe a day that is completely unforgettable?
This morning, we got to hear a devotional from the Courage’s Chaplin Ellie. She asked Kenzie and I (Lauren) to act out a skit for her, one of us was blind and the other was limp, our acting skills were great!
Second part of the morning we got to worship with all the girls. We showed them a few of our songs and then after we asked if they would teach us a few of theirs. (We enjoyed theirs way more!) After worship we got to host a mini VBS, we went over Joshua 1:9. I was able to read the verse and share my testimony with all the girls. It very was scary and empowering at the same time.
For the afternoon we had three stations for the girls to be apart of. First group was dancing, second group was volleyball, third group was soccer. Kenzie and I had volleyball, and we just taught a few easy skills (pass, set, hit, serve) We were also able to give each girl a jerseys due to the kind donation we received from Jessup athletics. The girls were in awe and absolutely loved wearing them.
For the end of the day we ended with a few crafts. We made bracelets with the girls and Dave made balloon animals/crowns. The excitement the girls got over a balloon giraffe has kept a permanent smile on my face.
It’s only the second day and I have already fallen in love with the location and the people. I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for us.
Tu Ta Unana Kaesho (See you tomorrow)!
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