Today was great!
We started the day of learning a new word, Shagalbogna (chaos). I also have no clue if I spelled that right… That was the word that describes many of the pictures from today!
We all woke up and headed over to the girls’ home and began our day with a team devotional, and then we headed out with the girls to Bagamoyo (where I lay my heart down). A historical port where a huge portion of slave trade took place in East Africa. It was known as the place of no return. If a slave made it to Bagamoyo alive, which only 1 out of 5 did, they knew they would never return to their family or home.
On our way there, we stopped at a snake park where some of us thrived, and some of us internally died. I always say Satan was a snake for a reason. We saw many snakes and even got the chance to hold one. (This is where most of the snake haters hid… rightfully so). Randomly, we also saw a zebra, ostrich, porcupine, and even got the chance to ride a camel.
After this stop, we continued our drive to a historical museum and cathedral where we learned the history of slave trade and of Bagamoyo.
Traveling from the cathedral, we ended the day at a peaceful restaurant/hotel called Firefly. It’s such a beautiful spot and a great way to end the day.
As we headed back to the home, we sang many many eya eyas and the few Swahili songs we know many times in the bus. Such a great time getting to know the girls more and seeing them step out of shells and be more comfortable with us!
As we come towards and end of our trip, if you all could pray for our team to finish strong and to love the girls as much as we possibly can in our last day here.
Thank you all for your support and prayers!
Enjoy the photos!