Our third day in this second location was spent entirely at Courage House with the girls. Days typically begin at the hotel with breakfast on the garden terrace, then a short walk to Courage House, where we have devotions with the Courage staff and drinking fantastic coffee. The team jumped straight into praise and worship with the girls, with Kenzie and Hope sharing their personal testimonies. Grace, our fearless VBS leader, continued the story of Joshua, encouraging the girls to be “strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:9). A few quick games and onto lunch.
In addition to my professor role at Jessup, I enjoy sharing what I teach my students with organizational leaders. Today, I had the opportunity to facilitate a design thinking workshop with the Courage leadership team and Mr. Edwin Mugambila, Human Rights Lawyer, Author, Speaker, CEO of Tanzania Relief Initiatives, and Founder of TANAHUT (Tanzania Network Against Human Trafficking) and two amazing members of his team. Edwin is also on Courage’s Board of Directors.
These transformational leaders are producing change and building lives in some of the darkest and most dire circumstances related to human trafficking. Sadly, more humans are being trafficked worldwide for labor, sex, harvesting human organs, etc., than when slavery was legal. It is sobering, but there’s hope. Some of the leaders I met with today included former victims of human trafficking, turned survivors, and now leaders. They are the lights in some of the darkest places. Please continue to pray and partner with them in the incredible work God is doing here in East Africa and globally. See Courage for more information: www.courageworldwide.org.
The afternoon included bracelet making, a volleyball skills clinic complete with Jessup jerseys for the girls, dancing, and English and Swahili language games. Topping off the day was a beauty spa where the girls had their nails painted and makeup and hair done (some of our team included).
Before I conclude, I would like to brag about our Jessup students for a moment. I have yet to hear anyone complain, and I have seen each team member love in a way that reminds me of Jesus welcoming the children to come to Himself in the gospels. It is a joy to see God not only at work through them but also in them. God is working in ways that only he can, and I know you’ll be excited to hear all about it when they return home.
Ubarikiwe (Be blessed),
Dave Heitman (team leader)