Update #10 Southeast Asia A

hi friends and family!!

Today we woke up early to take multiple Jeepneys and trains to get to Tondo so we could visit Smoky Mountain. Smoky Mountain is a community built on top of a hill made entirely of trash. It is called Smoky Mountain because it is so hot that the trash will burn and catch on fire creating a bunch of smoke. We did a VBS with the kids which included singing songs, playing games, performing a skit on the story of Jonah, and doing a craft. After that we were able to feed the kids and pass out food. This community was the poorest community we have seen so far and the definitely the hottest place we have been. 

After the feeding, we were able to visit the girls home in Tondo while the guys visited the boys home. The girls home was an apartment on the 5th story of an apartment complex. The home consisted of 8 girls who all used to live in the slums of Tondo. Every week these girls attend church, Youth Lab (youth group), Bible study, and do community outreach on Smoky Mountain every Saturday morning. It was inspiring to hear their stories and see them all breaking the cycle of poverty while still serving and ministering to their own communities.

After our visit in Tondo we’re able to grab lunch with all of the leaders and then started our trek back home. Back at the YMC, we went swimming, got dessert at Jolibees (super popular fast food joint), and played games to end our day.

Excited for our last couple of days here!

~ Taylor

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

2 responses to “Update #10 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    It is such a blessing to see all the lives you all have touched in the name of Jesus! Thank you for every way you have served in this missions trip. We are continually praying over you all, we are now specifically praying for a safe uneventful trip back home. Try and get some sleep on your flight back. Love you all family! See you tomorrow!✝️

  2. Oma Sue says:

    Time flys!!! But prayers continue, for an uneventful trip back. Firstly I’m praying you all get adequate rest tonight for your early departure tomorrow!! Then a smooth transition at your layover location!! All things and everyone (including planes, pilots, and or other transportation to your final destinations (HOME)…covered in the Blood of Christ… Protected by the King Himself… all along the way…

    What an adventure you have been on! I’m sure your all exhausted. Try to get some sleep on the long flight home so your jet lag won’t be so awful!!

    Well done servants of God!! You have left a touch of God on these beautiful people, and made many memories to cherish for years to come…
    Loving you through prayers … Oma Sue