Today, we started the day off with a hot cup of coffee and very good devotions from Kenzie and Suzane (an amazing social worker with Courage).
After the morning coffee, we got to see the girls and wish them a good morning. As we were speaking to the girls a few of us got to hold the super cute babies (see pictures down below ⬇️) Today was a beach day, everyone was getting prepared and dressed to go.
When we made it to the beach house, you could instantly see the ocean! And let me tell you, it was fan freakin tastic! Once we got situated, we jump right into VBS. The girls really enjoyed it and got to share a few things that they took away from it.
After lunch, we went straight to the ocean! It was so amazing. The water was at the perfect temperature and everyone had a really good time. We played soccer and a game that the girls taught us.
Once we were done with the beach, we had yummy snacks provided by the girls. One was local candy (hand-made), juice (hand made), and popcorn. All was so unforgettably good, can’t explain it!
At the beach house there was a coconut tree. I was so in awe!! I asked if it would be possible during our stay if we could get a fresh coconut somewhere. One of the field workers said yes, here and now! They got a ladder and brought down a coconut and peeled, and cut it open. Then, boom, I had a fresh coconut in my hand with a straw. I might have gotten a little too excited and shedded a few tears.
At the end of the day, we had dinner at the Courage office and ended the day with some team time.
Badi! (Later!)