Update #7 Southeast Asia A

Hey everyone, this blog is being written by cooper everyone’s favorite child on this trip apparently. Thanks a lot Taylor 🙄. We have had an amazing trip so far doing so many awesome things. Today we started by going to a clothes market there were a lot of new clothes there, most of them were knock offs of popular brands but it was fun to look at it all and shop for bags and other things. 

After we were done we went into a McDonald’s and got Oreo McFlurrys after being in the hot humid sun before heading back to the YMC. After all of that we came back and had some nice lunch: pork and rice. The food here is really good. 

We then went and got ready for the rest of the day and we went to a former dump site where we gave food to all of the people living there, with some of the families that are also here staying and helping at the ministry. It was a really amazing, also solemn, experience seeing all of the poverty there and the things these people do to live. We had a good conversation about worldview and about all of the people there maybe never having even left that city compared to us, but then how we also probably have a small limited world view about God’s kingdom and how there is probably so much more we could never see. 

After this we went to the hanging bridge which was a really cool suspended bridge that was a lot of fun to climb for some of us, maybe less so some others, but at the top there was an amazing view of the massive city below us. 

Super exited for tomorrow when we go to the poorest part of the city and serve people there. See you all soon. 


If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

5 responses to “Update #7 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    Awesome update! We continue to pray for strength, protection, and provision over you all. May God continue to bless you all richly.

  2. Gina diehl says:

    Super cool fam!!!! Thank You for all these amazing updates! We are continuing to bow in over you

  3. Oma Sue says:

    Loving these updates! It’s certainly an eye opener to see how/what other parts of the world are like. Thankful that you could all be a part of Gods love to the people/children there. Such a blessing. May the Power of God fill you ALL, with incredible strength, wisdom, and joy as you love on the people there with His love! May He cover you all with super natural protection and peace… Blessings and hugs ~ Oma Sue

  4. Dena Pischke says:

    I look forward to every update from this team. Constantly praying and thinking of you.

  5. Alyssa Gluck says:

    We love these updates! May God continue to direct your paths each day. We are praying for you every day!