Update #7 South America

Hello friends and family,
Today we get to have the day off.

We got to sleep a little longer and that was great as we have been on a go, go, go.
After breakfast we drove across the city (that took us around 1 hour) to a beach town called Cumbuco.
The day was very relaxing and we got to walk on the beach, swim in the ocean when it was raining and eat delicious seafood.
The little beach town is known for its famous sand dunes.
We got to do a buggy adventure on the sand dunes and stop a couple of times on fresh water lakes.
Lots of laughter and fun, it was a great day to relax and bond as a group!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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