Update #6 Central America

Hi friends and family, we miss you out here! It’s crazy to think we only have two days left of our global trip. The past few days we have gone out into different villages and areas of the community to distribute filters. Each day we have been working in partnership with the community’s local church, and it is really sweet to meet so many different church members and volunteers and get to know them. After every day of ministry we have gathered around the pastor and church staff and prayed over them and their ministry and it has really been so special to see how the church is flourishing everywhere!

Here are some stories we wanted to share with you from the wonderful people we got to meet yesterday:

Jess and Nick were on a team where the person they visited whose name is Martha said she had 25 kids and none of them gave her anything for mother’s day. Their team was able to bless her with 2 belated mother’s day gifts of the water filter and the gospel. Martha was very open about her life and the team was able to pray over her health, her family, her spirit, and over protection of her mind, body and home!

Bianca and Gabbie got to speak to a wonderful family where a woman named Janelle had shared with them how she had prayed the night before asking God to make a way for her to rededicate her life to him, they spent a long time talking to her, listening to her story, and sharing part of theirs as well and we were able to witness God working in her and her family they had a lovely farm and adorable children they all prayed and confessed Jesus as lord and we continue to pray for them and their spiritual journey!

Brian and Jordyn were on a team where we visited this woman named Esther, only one of the incredible people we got to meet yesterday. She was very involved in her local church and she shared a part of her testimony with us. It was very encouraging to see how God has worked in her life! We were able to pray over her health and for her husband who wasn’t a believer. Our whole team will say that the Holy Spirit was moving and speaking in that prayer in such a tangible way, it was really amazing to encounter God with Esther in prayer!

Please pray for our last day of ministry here, that the Lord can prepare the hearts of the people we meet and continue to speak through us to bless and encourage them. Also for good health and that we would stay hydrated and protected from the sun!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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