Update #5 Southeast Asia A

Hi family and friends!!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our team! We are having an incredible time as we are getting into the rhythm of serving. It has been amazing to see how God’s hand has played such a pivotal role in the ministries here in Southeast Asia.

On Sundays, all of the ministry and staff take the day off so we had some down time to explore the city and site see. In the morning, we went to Rockfish Church which is in association with Kids International Ministries. It was moving to see and hear different cultures, generations, and languages all worshipping and praising God. It was a beautiful reminder that God is the savior of the world and is worth of our praise. 

After church we were able to take a short bus ride to visit the American Cemetery here and Memorial which is a military cemetery located nearby. This was a beautiful memorial dedicated to honor the American and Filipino sacrifices during the fight for the Pacific in WWII. There were crosses marking the burial sites of fallen soldiers and a circular terrace with maps to recall the actions of the war. There were also names inscribed on the walls to mark the names of those missing from the war. It was amazing to be able to remember and honor the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day weekend and see how grateful the Filipino people are to the United States.

Next we went to a HUGE outdoor and indoor shopping mall in the Metro nearby where we got to try new foods and sweet treats, and spend to pesos on souvenirs to take with us back home. One thing we noticed as a team was the immense wealth of this part of the city. The malls and shops were way nicer than most American shopping centers yet as we left the city we were faced with more poverty not even 5 minutes away. 

After our adventures we took some time to cool off in the pool, play games with our team, and go frog hunting. We are excited for our next week of serving and are eager to see what God is going to do next!

If you could continue to pray for our well being, energy and strength, as well as more opportunities for us to serve and love people. We greatly appreciate your prayers and support!


P.S. – Mom and Dad I am still alive 🙂 love you!!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

3 responses to “Update #5 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    Wonderful updates thank you! We are praying over you!

  2. Oma Sue says:

    Dear God please fill every team member with a fresh filling of your Holy Spirit each and every day, to be your Hands and Feet in ministering and serving the community there. Keep them safe and protected at all times, as they serve with hearts filled with your love. Help them experience your heart for the people there, with great joy.
    Blessings and hugs…. Oma Sue

  3. Gina Diehl says:

    Amen you guys! This is so amazing! Thank you for keeping us apart of your journey! God is so faithful.