Update #5 Eastern Europe

Hello family and friends! It has been a lot of hard but good work these last couple of days. We continued our work with the church on Monday by helping serve lunch and dinner again. I (Roosmarie) was also able to make an apple cake, a family recipe, for dessert. As always, it is encouraging to see everyone’s smiles and thanks after the meals and at the end of the day.

The next day, we were asked to help at a camp site a little ways away. We met the couple who help maintain and run the camp/retreat, and they were so sweet and kind, and tried their best to communicate with us despite their limited English. They told us that they take care of the site all by themselves, so we were more than honored to help do our part! We helped repaint concrete, as well as sanded and painted a couple of benches. Although it did not feel like much work, they were super grateful and kindly made us lunch. We ate very well! After helping at the camp site, also we took a short visit to a monastery up the hill. It was beautiful, both the building and the flowers planted all around it.

Today, we went back to the church to help with meals. We decided to put an American twist on the lunch by making burgers and fries. We had many people that came in for lunch (the most people we have served so far), and they all absolutely loved it! It was nice to have a little taste of home and to see the people from here enjoy it too.

Places like the church, camp site, and monastery help remind us of the long and rich history of the people of this country. It helps us to know where they have been and where they are now. It also empowers us to keep loving on this country and these people, serving them where they are and planting seeds for where they need to be, in God’s name.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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