Update #5 Central America

Yesterday we had a safe and short flight over to our second country. It is very, very humid and hot here but spirits are good and we are excited to continue in ministry and serving the Lord in a new place. Saturday afternoon we relaxed at the pool at our hotel (our hotel is right on the ocean – we’re stoked) and then ventured into town to pick up some snacks at the grocery store.

Sunday morning we went to a local church, it was such a blessing to be able to worship and hear a message in the community we were going to serve (Mark wore a very snazzy shirt, seen below). One of our favorite moments from today was an impromptu worship session after lunch in the church. The Holy Spirit is definitely moving here! Afterwards we broke up into teams and went out into the community distributing the water filters and sharing Jesus. We would love continued prayer for physical strength of our team especially with the heat, and that the people we meet are welcoming to us and receptive to the message of the gospel.

p.s. facts is the gen z amen

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

One response to “Update #5 Central America”

  1. Sandra McPartland says:

    Wow! How special this is to be able to give back to others, to see more of the world and experience a different culture. We are so proud of our Gabie C.
    Love you!
    Gma & Gpa