Update #4 Southeast Asia A

Hello friends and family,

Thank you for your continued prayers! Our team is thriving here in Southeast Asia and we are all sleeping well and healthy which is a gift from God! It is very humid here so we are always sticky, and it has rained quite a bit in the last few days. 

Today was another fun and full day of ministry. In the morning, we got to participate in a VBS program in a nearby community with YouthLab, a youth group made up of student leaders who share the gospel with the community. I am so inspired by their passion for the Lord and for ministry. They ran the camp all on their own, dedicating their time to serve God. We sang songs, played games, and saw a skit put on by the youth, which had to be moved into a covered area because it began to rain. The kids called this area the chapel of their village, but it consisted of only a concrete box with tin roof. We passed out sandwiches to the kids and then got to help fill buckets of water from the well and deliver them to homes in the community. 

The chapel we visited in the community.
Filling water in the well
Me (JD) getting mangos from a tree

The village we visited is located in a gated community with many big, expensive homes. We even passed a golf course on the drive in. The village was very impoverished, with small makeshift homes and trash everywhere. It is heartbreaking to see the immense poverty located so close to great riches. To me, it feels like an injustice, but somehow the people living there are still joyful.

In the afternoon, we got to put on our own small VBS program at the children’s home. We had worship, a skit telling the story of Jonah, and some rotating stations which all the kids enjoyed. Many of them are orphans or their parents cannot keep them. Being able to spread the love of Jesus to them was amazing.


We had a little bit of time to rest and debrief tonight, and tomorrow will be a more chill day which will be nice after all we have experienced.

We look forward to what God has in store for us next! 

Until next time! 


2 responses to “Update #4 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    I’m so blessed to see how God is using you all! Continually praying over you!

  2. Chris, Danyelle & Team members. As I was reading this post and viewing the photos, the thought ran through my mind that not much had changed in the lives impoverished. As I saw the homes constructed out of tin it took me back to my own mission trips to Nicaragua and Cambodia. They too had villages consisting of tin structures that would wash away with the very heavy rains. They would pick-up, move and rebuild. The saddest part of our trip was visiting the people who made there homes in the community dumping ground. Opulence was all around them, yet here lived these kind and humble people hungry for the word of God.
    These people are so blessed by you and you will be blessed in turned. Lord, watch over them and give them all they need to grow your kingdom.