Update #4 South America

Day 3 was such a blessing! In the morning we received a tour at the clinic and learned about how everything works there. Our team loved seeing how so many building are brightly painted and that brought joy to our hearts. We were received as special guests, the Doctors and Nurses met with us in their office and served us delicious cake (called Romeo and Juliet), along with the traditional fruit juice. The women answered questions about the day to day running of the clinic, down to their mobile clinic, and home visits. We got a full tour of the facility. We were met with joy and excitement for the opportunity to help in the future.

The evening included joining one of the church Pastors and a group prison ministry volunteers to the prison. We had the honor and privilege of being in worship and praise with the inmates at the prison. There must’ve been 100-120 both inmates and correctional officers there all in one room! We heard the pastors incredible message about Jacob’s perseverance and the hope of Jesus through Abraham, Issac and Jacob. We heard the pastor’s testimony and our team spoke to the crowd of inmates. The expression on their face lit up when we shared our hearts. Afterwards, we were invited to sit with some of the inmate pastoral leaders and have a snack. We got to get to know a little of the volunteers during this time. We were also honored with handmade gifts that the inmates made as a token of their appreciation. The inmates and officers genuinely were full of joy and enthusiasm. We definitely felt the presence of God’s peace and the love and desire for Jesus in that place. It was a powerful and moving night!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

One response to “Update #4 South America”

  1. Sofia Stoll-Bisagno says:

    This is so wonderful. I pray that God bless you all. My thoughts abd oeayers are with you and may the grace of God be with you all. Sofia