Our morning started off with an exploration by Hannah, Josh, Emily, and Cass to go to one of the local bread shops around the corner from our house and get some fresh bread and honey, which we devoured pretty fast. We then had the opportunity to receive an in-depth language lesson from one of the national partners, who was also a teacher. He was able to help walk us through the different pronunciations and how to say several sentences that would help us while we walk around the city. The whole team was struggling with remembering what was the number six was in the language.
After our wonderful lesson, we were unleashed onto the main town to start making connections with the locals who spoke English and were willing to talk to us. We all paired up and took taxis to various coffee shop, restaurants, and shops to start making friends.
Emily and Alyssa started off in a wedding dress store where they made friends with a friendly woman who knew very little English, but was very eager to talk to them. While Emily and Alyssa were at lunch at the local KFC there was a language miscommunication and they accidentally almost ordered six buckets of fried chicken instead of a three-piece combo. On Josh and Dom’s adventures, they had the opportunity to pray over a local youth pastor they met while in the shop. Along the way they had very interesting taxi driver experiences that made the day even more interesting. Hannah and Tabitha found a bookstore where two young women were working and was able to strike up a conversation in English about the various books that they sold in the store and our similar interests in book series. Deb, Cass, Tabitha and Hannah learned the hard way that the National Library of this country was not open to the public by accidentally getting stuck in a very long library tour that took you to see all 9 floors of the building. At the end of our long day, we found a Chinese restaurant that had a takeout option and Tabitha decided to give our hosts pug a bath. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s adventures have in store for us!
If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

Thank you for all the pictures and updates. May you all be a blessing to whoever you meet & talk to. Praying for protection and may you see God working wherever you go.