Update #4 Central America

We wrapped up our time of ministry in our first country on Thursday. As a group, we distributed 97 filters and shared the gospel with 129 people in our four days here. The Lord did incredible things in this place as we were able to witness 47 individuals accept Jesus for the first time, 17 people rededicating their lives to the Lord, and we were encouraged by 43 people who already professed Jesus Christ as Lord. What a blessing that God chose to use us for His glory!

Today for our fun day, we had the opportunity to ride horses up an active volcano! It was about an hour up to the top (in what felt like a torrential downpour), where we ate pizza cooked in the side of the volcano. We got to take a lot of pictures and enjoy the beautiful views of the volcanos and city below us. Definitely a bucket list experience and something we will never forget! Later in the afternoon we went to an outdoor market in the town square. Don’t worry, many souvenirs were bought and many quetzals were spent.

We are heading to our second country tomorrow, so please be praying for safe travels and continued good health! Mucho amor de tu equipo global favorito🥰🤩

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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