Update #3 Southeast Asia A

what’s up brothers ☝🏼

Today after breakfast our team decided to take a tricycle ride to get some starbucks to start off our day. and here we have two basic white girlies getting starbies in a tricycle.

Coming from feeding the poor yesterday to getting a Starbucks drink we’ve noticed the different classes of society. That there’s not much of a middle class, you’re either rich or poor. I am super grateful for the blessings and opportunities God has given me in my life.

We then came back to our facility that we are staying at and the girls got ready to help out in the kitchen while the boys went to help out with demolition and construction.

Today we’ve also visited a children’s home from ages one to five. We got to spend some time together and connect with them. 

To finish off the day we attended a praise party which we were able to worship with the teenagers and hear an amazing word. 

Please continue to pray for us as we serve in different communities and connect with the people here, as well as get used to the time quicker here! Thank you! 

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

4 responses to “Update #3 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    I pray for you all multiple times a day!

  2. Oma Sue says:

    Loving the pictures!!!! Keeping you in our prayers… Big hugs from Oma Sue & Opa Nick

  3. Gina diehl says:

    This is incredible!!!! Life changing! So very exciting to see these updates!!!!

  4. Love! Love! Love! All that is happening and how you are happily making yourself available to God and all that he has in mind for you to see and do. Blessings to all o you.