Update #3 Eastern Europe

Days 3 and 4 

The last two days have been filled with joy serving the Ukrainian refugees and the people in this country. Our first full day at the church consisted of deep cleaning the chairs that were in the Meal room and the Devotional room. Another task was cutting up different vegetables for meal preps. During both of these task we were able to interact and get to know the refugees. 

We learned about their background and how they have been doing since having to move away from home. Some even expressed that they either have family that moved to another country and others who still have family back in their home country. It has been a lot for them but they are so grateful to have this ministry to open up and embrace them with warm hugs. 

Our second full day consisted of making lunch and dinner. For lunch we were able to serve leftovers of Chicken, potatoes, and soup which is a very common easy dish to have. For dinner we made a baked pasta, with homemade marinara, veggies, and baked cheese. We also made powdered sugar brownies. The pasta ended up being a top favorite, with people going back for seconds and thanking us for making the dinner for them. 

Seeing the smiles on each persons face has brought this team so much joy. We are so happy to be here, helping and loving on everyone. We can’t wait for each day to begin! 

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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