Update #2 Southeast Asia A

Kamustaka! Danyelle here with a blog post for Day 1! 

Today is what we called “jetlag day”— we are 15 hours ahead! We arrived at base around 1:00 am and started bright and early at 7:30 am with breakfast and a tour of the facilities! Side note….we had to check ALL of our luggage due to weight (on top of the supplies, sports balls, and clothing donations) and by a miracle of God, ALL 18 pieces of luggage made it here with us! 

Anyway, the tour was awesome! God has done some amazing things with the organization and it is so cool to see how the Lord has provided for them! They have a children’s home, a home for crisis pregnancies, a clinic for pregnancies, a feeding ministry, a Christian school and a thriving youth ministry! The director was able to tell us the amazing testimony of this organization and it is truly guided by amazing faith in God’s timing and provision. The director said a quote that accurate depicts all that God has done: “There is a thin line between faith and insanity; walk the line.” 

We have the opportunity to participate in every ministry here, which so far has been wonderful to participate in. The first ministry we got to participate in was the feeding ministry. We got to go into a community and provide some soup to families in need. 

This was such a heartwarming experience as we got to hang out with all the kids in the community and make connection with them. 

When we got back, we had an amazing Filipino lunch and we laid out all of our donations. 

We were also able to swim in the swimming pool here! They have some super fun slides and diving points. We also made a little friend!

Then, we were heading off to our next assignment, which was to hang out with some of the kids at the children’s home. Here, we played with the kids, made cute bracelets, and played volleyball! 

We came back home, ate dinner, and then had team time! It was difficult, but we mostly made our goal to stay up until 9:00 pm. 😎 

Overall, it was a great day and we are so grateful to be here! 

Prayer requests 

  • continued strength to do God’s will! 
  • for God to use us greatly! 
  • for continued provision for the ministry here 

Signing off, 

Danyelle 🙂 

(p.s. hi family and friends!)

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

7 responses to “Update #2 Southeast Asia A”

  1. Dena Pischke says:

    We are praying non stop for each of you and all who you will come in contact with.. enjoy the pool.. sleep in peace and know that we will continue to pray for you all!

  2. Angelina Copenhaver says:

    Thank you Lord for answered prayers and getting this team safely to their destination. We will continue to pray for protection, favor, strength, annointing, a quick time transition, wisdom, zero home sickness, and blessing upon blessing over this team as they go out as your hands and feet Lord, may God’s unending love be felt by the people. I pray many give their lives to Jesus! In Jesus Holy Name Amen!

  3. Gina diehl says:

    Chris, Danyelle and Team!
    We are so excited to see these updates we love you so much and are praying over you all daily! This is so amazing and so exciting! There is no better will to be in, than the will of God! So grateful to see this update. Till next time! Shalom!

    Pastor Brian and Gina Diehl

  4. Brian Diehl says:

    Continuing to pray for you all and for a mighty work of the Holy Spirit in and through you and all those you come into contact with. For physical protection, and to stay healthy.

    Matthew 22:32 (NKJV) ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

  5. Oma Sue says:

    Praying for you guys daily!!!
    Love you … Oma Sue

  6. Oma Sue says:

    The website says no comments posted but I’m posting… love and hugs… Oma Sue

  7. Chris & Danyelle, Praise God for such a great first day! You made some wonderful connections by helping with the feeding of the needy families. Such a great bonding experience and a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel just by who you are! How I wish I were there. ❤️. I loved seeing the joy on Chris’ face when engaged with the children. Holy Spirit Fire is going on for sure and God is on the move!
    Praying that he would renew your strength daily, give you the wisdom needed for each circumstance, joy and peace that is overflowing in abundance. Much love From Prentiss Palace