Update #2 South America

What’s up family and friends!! After a taking three planes and staying almost 2 days without sleeping, the South America team finally got to enjoy a good night of sleep! Our first day was filled with excitement of learning about the new culture and trying some new delicious food. We got to meet the leaders of the church that we will be serving alongside and also attended the Wednesday night church service. It was beautiful to see how the locals worship with all their heart and are on fire for God.

After church the Team went to get dinner and enjoyed some delicious South American pizza. Fun fact, in this area people don’t use their fingers to touch their food, so they use a fork and knife to eat pizza or sometimes disposable gloves. We have been praying and have prepared some great activities to do with the children and elderly ministry tomorrow- we are so excited! Thank you for all of your prayers!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

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