Assalom Alaykoom (Hello)!
We are so thankful and excited to be received ed by our fieldworkers here! We arrived to our house at 4:30am on Monday morning 🙂 then had a few hours of rest. Then we started our time here with a lesson in Tajik (tah-jeek) basics. Our afternoon was spent having lunch with the entire team, including the national partners who shared testimonies from this past week (they minister to the local in the villages). We’re inspired by their faith, obedience, and passion for how God is working through them. Lunch was an amazing experience with most of our team eating on the floor like how locals prefer.
After lunch we bazar and the ladies got material to be fitted for Kurtas. Traffic here is high key scary since traffic laws are seen as a suggestion. A few of us came very close to getting ran over by cars 😀 (but we were good!) Some of the team were able to experience their first taxi that end up breaking down.
We were so thankful that our lead fieldworkers, the Bennet’s invited us to their home for dinner. It was really cool to hear how God had called them here. Their children are adorable! They’re such an amazing family and truly an example of sacrificing their lives for the purpose and call God has placed on their hearts.
todidan (until I see you again),

Miss you cass and Deb!!
Right on, Joshua! Lucas and i made it back safe – looking forward to our stories on your return! praying peace, discernment and effectiveness for you! ~Mom, Lucas and Dad – and Starsky