Update #1 Team South America is safe and settled!

After three lengthy flights to get to their final destination, the team is safe and settling into their room. Even with not a lot of sleep on the flights and feeling a little tired, their spirits are high and they’re ready to take on their first day!

Join us in praying for them to regain energy and adjust well to the new culture as they settle in and meet those they will be doing ministry with.

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

2 responses to “Update #1 Team South America is safe and settled!”

  1. Mama G says:

    Oh Jesus, I thank you for this beautiful team. I pray that as they sleep, you would restore their energy. I thank you that in our weakness you are strong. I pray that they will “ lie down and sleep in peace knowing that you alone make them dwell in safety.” Please unite them as one, help them to adjust, and may they see glimpses of your spirit at work in the new day.

  2. Karen Bergquist says:

    Praying for your health,safety, daily devotion and then, for opportunities to minister the love of Jesus in each situation you are in daily. May you experience His presence and power with you and through you.