Update #1 Team Southeast Asia A is safe and settled!

After two flights and lots of time on the plane to get to their final destination, the team is safe and settled in Southeast Asia. They have a late night and an early morning, so please join us in praying for them to have a renewed energy and to adjust to the time change well.

We trust that the Lord has some incredible things planned for them in Southeast Asia and we can’t to hear all about how they embrace the culture and serve all those they meet!

If you would like to share your prayer support with this team, please feel free to use THIS FORM and we will share your encouragement with them.

2 responses to “Update #1 Team Southeast Asia A is safe and settled!”

  1. Alyssa Gluck says:

    So glad to hear you all arrived safely. “ May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him” for this new day of adjusting, experiencing a new culture, and all the divine appointments he will have for you today. We are praying so much especially for strength today.

  2. Oma Sue says:

    We are thrilled to know you have all made it safely.
    May God give you supernatural strength to overcome the jet lag, adjust to the time change and culture…. It’s going to be an amazing adventure. Mission trips are life changing and an amazing personal experience that you will all have. We will be praying for you daily… That the Blood of Christ covers you and protects you all, from all harm, accidents, injuries and illnesses… That the Spirit of God empowers you with all wisdom, discernment, creativity, words of encouragement, hope, and the ability to share the Gospel with all power and love through the Holy Spirit…. That God gives you favor in everything you say and do, and with all those you are in contact with…. We are excited to hear of the many things God will do when you return… Be blessed in His power and love today…