Thursday and Friday were our scheduled days in which we woke up for quiet time and chapel in the morning. After breakfast, we got ready to head out to our respective sites.
Education Site – Mark, Sofiya, and Spencer
We arrived at the site to excited kids opening the door for us. They high fived all of us and one of them even gave us a hug. There were 7 or 8 boys and 1 girl on Thursday. On Friday, we were joined by 2 more girls and 1 more boy.
The kids are on summer break from school so we don’t actually have lessons. This was just a way for the children to have something to do and hang out together. We read a Bible lesson with them and sang some songs first. On Thursday, we played “Pin a Tail on the Donkey”. The kids were so excited to have us, they screamed for Spencer to go first. They were calling out directions toward the donkey picture so we learned some Spanish direction words. On Friday, we watched a soccer movie, but kids got bored pretty quick. One of the girls tried braiding Sofiya’s hair and Mark taught one of the boys how to play guitar and played a secular DR rap song that he shouldn’t have played. Spencer played tag with the rest of the kids.
We turned off the movie and instead played DR (Spicy) UNO and Dominos with the girls.
The boys picked up a ball and went outside to play kickball. They would always kick it outside the fence and then jump the fence to go get it. Some even climbed up on the roof to get the ball.
The kids got picked up right before lunch and after lunch, one of the summer interns did English lessons for high school and college students. On Thursday, we learned about animals. The lesson went both ways: they learned English and we learned Spanish. On Friday, we didn’t have English lessons so we cleaned, painted tables and played board games with the teacher assistant.
Volleyball Site- Jordynn
We had two bases. One base was at our home base and the other was at a gym like structure. My team got to meet so many different kids ranging from 7 to 19 girls and boys. My site is all about giving the kids in this town a community and family so they stay out of trouble in the streets. We literally played volleyball with their different teams for six hours straight. Before every individual practice someone shares a devotional and we pray so that God can be connected in the passion we share of volleyball. We all come from such different backgrounds and the language barrier was very difficult when learning drills for the first time, but it didn’t stop the laughter and joy that we all shared together or the cheers when we had a good play.
During dinner in the community we went to one of the JV members houses and played DR Uno. It was so hectic and fun. We also shared slang from both sides of our homes to practice the language.
On Friday we shared our testimonies with the coaches and our site teams. We went to a place where two rivers meet and where cows and horses roamed freely. This whole trip I have been so scared because I didn’t understand what God’s purpose for me here was. When it became my turn I felt that God was telling me that it was finally my time to share my true testimony and it was then that I felt so much support and love.
This entire trip so far has been nothing but joy and community. It is truly a blessing.
Media Site – Alyssa
On Thursday it was Alyssa’s 22nd birthday and she spent her day doing what she loves; taking photos and videos that tell beautiful stories!
The media department is cool because they get to visit all the different sites, taking pictures that showcase the Gospel message. When taking pictures they think about 4 different components; creation, the fall, redemption and restoration.
At the women’s site, she taught a little girl how to use her camera and the little girl went around and vlogged everything, it was ADORABLE! On her visit to the school where Sofiya, Mark and Spencer were, she almost got knocked out with the kickball TWICE.
At the Physical Therapy Site, she tried the best sweet coffee she’s ever tasted – she loves sugary coffee and so she absolutely LOVED it.
She ended the day with the “Happy Birthday” song being sung by the team and a cinnamon roll from town that was gifted to her!
She’s been having so much fun at media site and can’t wait for the final banquet where she gets to showcase her photos and videos to the rest of the base 🙂
Medical Site – Harpreet and Cheyanne
On Thursday, day 4, Cheyanne and Harpreet went to one of the free clinics in the morning during which they saw ultrasounds and a birth control implant. Cheyanne got to do an ultrasound on a pregnant patient. In the afternoon, we visited a leader’s house who was paralyzed from the waist down. During both of these visits Harpreet was mistaken for being a local and even got hit on by a patient during the morning clinic.
On Friday, day 5, we visited a medical hospital and saw patients there. Cheyenne assisted in a birth control implant. After morning clinic, we went to the plaza and had lunch, ran into the SI CEO and his team at the plaza. In addition to hearing K’s (the nurse) and Dr. G’s (OB-GYN physician) testimonies. After lunch as we headed to our Mamas and Babies home visit, it was pouring down rain while we commuted with the family and neighbors over homemade coconut pastries and soda. At said visit Harpreet held the sweet 11 month old baby, while K educated the mama on her second pregnancy.
For dinner on Thursday, we went to different host families’ homes. We got to meet families who live here and got to know them. We ate, talked, and played games, and it was a lot of fun. On Friday, we had game night. Alyssa won the first game and Cheyanne won the second one.
Prayer Requests:
1. Homesickness
2. One of our site leader’s son is sick so please pray for a quick recovery
-Caribbean team