Hey Families and friends, happy Sunday!
Our day started off slow with a nice breakfast and some time to journal or nap. Our team then went to church where we saw people praise God with so much joy. They were singing, dancing, clapping and shouting praise to God. Pastor Sh shared a powerful message about building spiritual muscles through trials and tests. It stood out to me was when Pastor Sh shared how trials can come in so many forms and three steps to overcome any trial are: 1) Word of God 2) Prayer 3) Fruit of the spirit. Also the importance that in relationships trials, we are not fighting each other but fighting against the common enemy behind it. After church we went out to get some lunch and enjoyed delicious food (I had a chicken avocado salad with fries, chapati, juice and some cake for dessert).
Today our team also had the privilege to be part of the graduation ceremony for some of the girls from CLA (Courage Leadership Academy). It was a time filled with joy as we listened to all the praise and encouragement given to the girls and their speeches too. It really stood out to me that one of the girls said “God has brought us from failure and helped us to overcome it”. It was beautiful to see how far these girls have come and even in the midst of ups and downs, they have never given up. Their determination and faith in Jesus is so inspiring that we can all learn from. The whole courage family was together and it was so cool to see all the amazing girls and staff that we have been building a special relationship with all together. We had snacks and a yummy cake too.
I am personally in love with the music culture here and can’t help but dance every time a beat starts. The DJ was on fire and played some amazing songs which had us all dancing and celebrating. Some of the girls were teaching us some of their dance moves and it was so fun to learn it from them.
We are so proud of the graduates and will be praying that God continues to guide, protect and bless each and everyone one of them during this new journey.
Thank you so much for all of your prayer for our team! We really miss and love y’all!
-Bella 🙂