June 11th – Sunday
Hello friends!
Today is an update on our trip to J3r@sh.
There are almost no words to describe our time there, but I’ll do my best.
Apart from awesome views, beautiful shops, friendly, and very persistent, shopkeepers, it was an absolute honor to walk where the Gospel itself came through and where Paul became an Apostle.
The shops (known as a Bizzare Market) offered a variety of goods and souvenirs. Ranging from traditional scarves, dresses, shirts and pants. Not to mention a plethora of local-made trinkets and dishes; cups, bowls, and coffee pots.
The shopkeepers that I met were the nicest people I have ever met, and they had a TON, no exaggeration, of love for J (our fieldworker). They made this very clear as they described him as their “brother” and told us how long they knew him. I, along with everyone else, was able to receive discounts and gifts based on my connection with J.
Despite the discounts received, many of us took full advantage of bargaining to get a better price. My only regret from this day is not partaking in a supposedly exciting experience.
Going back to the roads where the Gospel came through; apart from the reality that I honestly have no words for, the kiosks had very beautiful jewelry and stones that sparkled in the sunlight. I think one of my other highlights is being able to attempt an Irish jig while a local musician played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes.
Overall, it was a wonderful time that we will all remember for the rest of our lives.
Prayer requests:
- Health
- Homesickness
- Continued safety
- Perseverance
- Rest and recovery
Thank you for reading!