June 10th – Saturday
After many of us stayed up late last night for team bonding and another trip to McDonalds, we had a nice and early 7am start for the book sale. We spent a couple of hours finishing preparing for crafts and setting up books which included organizing several hundred by author.
In the afternoon, Jess created tissue paper art of turtles, owls, and fish with families, Macey ran a friendship bracelet making station, I ran a mandala drawing and coloring station, and Caleb ran the book sale and became familiarized with the local currency while everyone else assisted in greeting and keeping the books organized. As the craft portion was winding down, Macey, Josh and I attempted to make balloon animals but struggled with popping balloons and difficult pumps.

Overall, it was a huge success. We sold over 500 books by the end of the sale and the library gained a few new family memberships! We loved having the opportunity to talk with some of the local families and discuss their favorite parts of living in the area and got a few recommendations for restaurants and places to visit. The kids were all extremely bright and everyone we met warmly welcomed us into their community.
After the book sale, Rose, Zoe and Jess blessed us with a wonderful home cooked meal that not just anyone could have made.