Mambo! (That’s “hi” in Swahili!) Today was day 3 of our trip and our very first day of ministry (thank you crazy long flights/layovers!). We spent lots of time talking to, singing with, and playing with the girls of Courage House.
The road to Courage House is VERY bumpy, dusty, and lined with corn fields. I don’t think my little Toyota Camry could survive it, but the drivers were experts. The girls lined up at the gate and were chanting with flowers and big smiles for us. I definitely teared up in the car seeing the joy on their faces despite the immense pain of their past.
After we all introduced ourselves the staff had us split into groups with the girls to learn some Swahili. This was a team-wide highlight of the day. I was very proud of myself for getting the pronunciation of “cow” correct (ng’ombe).
I led some worship and played through most of my songs with the chaplain and some of the girls. They knew a lot of them and had some Swahili versions that the chaplain wrote in so I could learn it. My goal is to memorize one of them or a part of one by the end of the trip. I loved hearing the girls praise Jesus and lay down some sick beats. At the same time, the rest of the team was playing soccer, volleyball, ninja, and other fun active games.
Some of the older girls and cooks made us lunch. It was very tasty! The avocados are huge!!!! Taller than my hand and wide enough to fit in both hands cupped together. No wonder they use it so much in their cooking!!! They made spiced pinto beans, rice, savory avocado salad, a cabbage mix, and a spicy red pepper sauce. Yum!
After lunch, we made bracelets, danced, played some games, and laughed until around 4:30pm when we drove back to Courage Cafe for dinner. The Cafe is gorgeous and spoils us with incredible food, coffee, and views of Mt. Kilimanjaro (or as the locals call it, Kili) when the clouds move.
I think jet lag is still holding onto us because we were all wiped out from the day and came back to our rooms ready for a shower and our bed!
-Alyssa Madsen

Thanks for the update! We just love hearing what God is doing in and through you all! Love seeing the pictures and being on this journey with you. Endless prayers for protection, wisdom, discernment, stamina and opportunities to both share, and receive Gods love, and His heart for His people!