We got into Miami at 8:20 pm and our flight was long gone. We stood in line for rebooking for about 30 minutes and then decided there’s no point. There were about 150 people in line.
Mark and Spencer went ahead to Baggage Claim while the girls got food. As the the guys waited for our luggage, the girls headed out to the hotel. They took the wrong shuttle and ended up in the wrong hotel, so they had to go back to the airport once again. The shuttle was not coming in until Alyssa call the hotel and told them we were waiting.

Mark and Spencer waited for our luggage for 5 hours. At 1, they gave up and went to the hotel to sleep. Cheyanne and Harpreet took two showers after the long airport day. Alyssa, Jordynn and Sofiya door dashed granny pajamas (that’s all they had at CVS) at 12:30 am. Shoutout to Joel the doordasher for choosing them. We also washed our socks in the sink. They’re still not dry.

We have never had such amazing sleep. Our wonderful leader Mark got our check out time pushed back to 1 pm so we could sleep in.
At 9 am, Mark went back to the airport and FINALLY got our luggage back all safe and sound.

This is Cheyanne’s suitcase. Shoutout to Global Outreach for buying her a new one.
We got ready and just after 1 pm ordered a Lyft to go to South Beach, Miami. One of the Lyfts ditched us so we had to order a new one. The new driver was cool and gave us insight into all the Miami Beaches. Let’s just say they’re not all Jessup appropriate. 1 Corinthians 15:33.

We had brunch at a Cuban cafe. Mark encouraged us to try new things and Jordynn almost threw up trying a corn on a cob. We aren’t kidding.

We then went to the beach and seriously contemplated going swimming in our clothes because it was so hot and the water so nice. We ended up not doing it BUT Alyssa dipped her head in and said she does not recommend.
We started making our way to the Lincoln Shopping Center. We were also on a hunt for ice cream. Little did we know that an instagram dating show was on the hunt for contestants. Cheyanne became the victim but at least they gave her free ice cream after the interview. FYI, she’s not against long distance and her red flags are unemployed men.
We found a souvenir shop and bought some new clothes to change into because we were all overheating. It was 88 degrees F but it felt like 99 with 73% humidity.

We found a 7/11 and bought double XL slurpees for everyone.
At the Lincoln Shopping Center, we bought some stuff that we forgot back in Sac and then ordered a Lyft back to the hotel to get our stuff.

Big thanks to Kayla for figuring all the flight information for us! We couldn’t do it without you!!
– Caribbean Team