We are leaving East Africa!!! What a surreal moment for all of us. It feels like just a few days ago that we were leaving Sacramento.
We all woke up between the hours of 4-5am, and left the hotel around 5:35. We made it through security, but had some interesting complications with our suitcases and carry-ons. But in the end, everything worked out just not in the way we expected. But that has been our first complication so far on this trip so we are grateful that it was minor. (Caribbean team now we know just a LITTLE bit of what you have gone through😂)
We had our last meal at Courage Cafe last night and were very grateful for our fieldworkers, and their family, for their generosity and kindness during this trip. It wouldn’t have been able to be such a fantastic trip without them.
We are currently waiting in the airport for our first of three flights home. We all are extremely tired and sad to leave, but ready to go home.
Our fieldworker, J, said a few words to us and about us to the Courage girls when we were saying goodbye. He said, “it’s time for them to go back to their other life in America.” And something about “other life” makes leaving much more easier. Because all of us will forever have a life and relationship here in East Africa. Sounds cheesy, but it’s very true.
I can speak on behalf of all my teammates when I say thank you to our friends and family for their support and prayers, and to Jessup and Global Outreach for making this trip even possible in the first place. We are excited to see you all! 💛

What an amazing trip! So thankful that most of it has been smooth. We will continue to pray for Courage House and all of the girls & children who have been impacted by your ministry. You have definitely been impacted by them as well & the effects of that impact will be felt for a lifetime! Safe travels!❤️