Hey guys! Sophia here, absolutely blown away that our two incredible weeks in this place are now over. This experience has stretched us and challenged us in so many beautiful ways, and I think every member of our team would agree we’re coming home with a lot to think about. Learning how to effectively share the gospel was an honor, and it’s inspiring to me that, no matter where we are, the conversations, interactions, and relationships we have can always point back towards God. Watching a man or woman go from mildly curious to completely engaged in the gospel story is an absolutely touching way to see Christ at work. Throughout our trip, we’ve been struck by the recurring theme of Romans 12:12 in our ministry, and have recognized and embraced the absolute power of prayer. Praying over malls, temples, restaurants, our hotel, and the city, and praying with people we met all over the city, has been a powerful reminder that prayer can be simple, touching, powerful, and anywhere. We’ve had a lot of adventures to look back on too- rickshaw rides that give roller coasters a run for their money, train trips where we flew through the city, overpriced Starbucks (it’s universal), hikes around murals and statues and temples, loud and vibrant worship nights, staring contests with strangers, beaches and henna tattoos and so much more.
Now that we are looking back on it all with broken-in sandals and touched hearts, we can truly say goodbye to Mumbai knowing that we have given it our all for these two weeks. None of it would be possible without the support of our family and friends, so please know how close we hold you in our hearts and how grateful we are for you. We can’t wait to share more stories when we get back, and look back on this trip with love knowing we will continue to carry it with us as we come home. Love you all so much and please pray for continued safe travels as we head home!
PS Dad, Mom, JR- love you times two!! and happy bday to my bff!
Soon we will board our second flight to come back to the US. We look forward to seeing all of our family and friends soon!