Hello! Kayla here! We are living the dream on our second week in this country. Monday morning was our first day of space camp!! We have two camps–one in the morning for 6-9 year olds, and one in the afternoon for 10-13 year olds. Let’s just say we were all pretty exhausted (in the best way) from Jerash the day before and were wondering how we’d manage the simultaneous joy and chaos that comes with kids.
We started with the younger kids and Alyssa read them a story about space. I loved that part because I got to learn from Alyssa’s teaching style and watch her engage all the kids so well with the story. The kids enjoyed a game of duck-duck-goose that got progressively more chaotic and a balloon game that probably exhausted all of us more than them!
The older kids are more mellow and really sweet and respectful. They enjoyed making telescope crafts and constellations made from little circles of black paper that we made “stars” in by using pushpins to create holes. For me, it’s kind of intimidating working with the older kids at first. It’s easier to connect immediately and find a bunch of stuff to talk about with the younger kids, but all the kids are truly so smart, genuine, and yes, chaotic in their own special ways (like our team!). I feel so privileged to have gotten to know them all a little bit.
After camp ended at 1:30, we all went our separate ways for a little while till dinner. I spent some time cleaning shelves and chatting with Eva. For some reason I’ve discovered that I looove cleaning shelves. A lot. But only in libraries so I don’t have to do it at home (sorry Mom, love ya!).
For dinner, we had lamb and chicken kebabs, plus veggies, pita, and this amazing meat-stuffed pita (like a mini pizza!). Personally, the highlight of my day was when Rose, Emmalee, Audrey, and Alyssa ate the serrano peppers that came with the meat. We all could not stop laughing (and crying a little for those who ate the peppers). No matter what day it’s been, there’s always been some great laughs in this country. That’s been one of my favorite things about the trip–and the fact that we truly have such a fun group.
Onto Day 2 of Space Camp! Well, when everyone woke up, let’s just say we all hit a MAJOR wall. It was rough. And I don’t know what it was, but it hit everyone on Tuesday. Thankfully, we powered through!
Today, I got to read a story to the younger kids called A Hundred Billion Trillion Stars. I used to say I’d never work with kids…haha, past me had no idea what was coming! I enjoyed reading to them so much; it was one of the highlights of the week so far for me.
Both groups of kids played a bunch of Minute-to-Win-It games, like transferring cotton balls from one plate to a table with their nose, or building a tower using only a toothpick to transfer their materials. So fun! And it was also Water Day, which meant water balloons, water bucket races, and other games. It was straight out of a Survivor challenge. And of course, us teachers got splashed too. I mean, when all the kids are being such great sports, I couldn’t say no to getting a little water on me!
For lunch we had some AMAZING bread called zaatar, which had green seasoning on top, and other cheese breads and potato-and-cheese bread. J, our fieldworker here, is an amazing host and was kind enough to buy local ice cream for all of us. We feel so welcomed here at this organization and so thankful to serve alongside J and M!
One of the girls, H, stayed a while after camp for the older kids was over. Alina, Shaynna, Emmalee, Sharon, and I hung out and played games with her for a while. All of us are now Spot It experts and loved getting the chance to spend quality time with one of these great kids.
We also went on a mini-adventure to J’s apartment for dinner that night. He is such a good host and has a bunch of items all around his apartment that tell the story of people he’s built relationships with from the different places he’s been. You can see the focus on people and relationships in this culture illustrated beautifully through how he cares for others. My personal favorite item was originally the jug from the Dead Sea, but then I saw the sword and that all changed!!!
We sat down to debrief after dinner and that’s typically one of our favorite times of the day. Emmalee said it feels like we’re a family coming together to talk about our days and I couldn’t agree more. I feel supported and encouraged by this team, and my prayer is that the kids we interact with feel the same, that they are loved and belong right in this beautiful library. Thank you so much for all your support, prayers, and encouragement. To my family–can’t wait to see you soon and you know I thought about glassbending while I was climbing in Petra!!!
-Kayla H

LOVE it so proud of you and know that you are doing such amazing things for these beautiful children – changing lives for eternity!
Great news letter, so many different facets to the time with the children! I am very proud, miss you, love, Granny
What a great update KK! So many amazing stories from each day. I love that you are enjoying interacting with the kids so much, what a gift to be able to enjoy spending time together as a team and with the kids! It’s so fun to hear about all the different meals and activities from each day! Can’t wait to hear more about everything. See you soon sweets, I’ll save some shelf cleaning just for you!
Wow! What an amazing trip, you are having!!! I am so happy you are getting to have this awesome opportunity. I am sure God is using you many ways, and in turn you will be blessed!
Praying for you .
LOVED reading your post Kayla! So very proud of you for taking this leap of faith and continuing to be used by God, and ALWAYS seeing the positive in everything around you. You inspire me!
Really enjoy reading about your adventures!
I’m so glad you’re having such a wonderful time, influencing these beautiful young children with your special gift of love.
I’m a big fan of the sword as well. LOL
Can’t wait to hear your story when you get home.