I’m definitely not a morning person but somehow I’ve been able to wake up in time for our team’s 6:40am morning devotional. Praise God for that!
At our trade school site, Will and I got to help transport and piece together bed frames at the base. Every time I thought the truck was full, the locals proved me wrong. All the students at the trade school are very welcoming. I’m very surprised about much Spanish I know, but I’m not mad about it. I think my favorite part about today’s project was riding in the back of the pick up truck and getting to hear Holman, our agriculture site leader, share his testimony.
After work, we went to the micro finance fair to support the women who are starting their own businesses. It was really fun trying to compete with my friends for some really cool items. Following the fair, we drove to a park to play volleyball. My team and I played really well while Jerome went to bed without a win. However, in the last game, the ball hit me in the face twice so I saw that as God humbling me.
When we got back to hotel, we ended the night with a late night pool swim and recapped our day together as a team. It was a really good day.

Happy to see all your smile faces.