Hey hey parents, family and friends! This is Emily and I’m going to do my best to summarize our last three days!! It’s been wild that’s for sure. 😜 To start, on Tuesday we had more orientation and training and then got to go out later in the day. The boys went to a University to pray over it and share the Gospel and the ladies headed to the mall to buy some traditional clothing and do a prayer walk as well. 🙂 We eventually came together to have dinner at the food court (yay for some American food!). Wednesday we had a scavenger hunt day where we got to experience the city on our own!! We were split up into groups of 3 and had to finagle and figure out how navigate the city. All teams have different experiences and stories for this one but ours was chaotic (in a good way!). For my team (Israel, Sophia and myself), we got on the wrong transportation system twice 😂, but then a nice and friendly civilian helped us get on the correct train! We made it to a popular tourist landmark in the city where we met a Christian lady who gave us a mini tour for free (we got to pray over her and her boss at the end which was cool). I got pooped on by a bird at the beginning which was a fun twist but I got an M&M prize for it from our fieldworkers later which almost made it worth it.
Anyways, there was so much more but I’ll let everyone tell their individual stories when we all get back 🙂 A good day all around and we ended it with a great worship night. Yesterday was more of a transition day. We were relocating from one part of the city to another, where we will stay for the remainder of the trip. We made it there by the end of the day and then headed to the mall to do some grocery shopping, grab dinner and pray. It was a much needed slower day.
Today is our Sabbath. Israel, Kayla and Roenz went to do a hike very early in the morning until around lunch time and the rest of us slept in, rested, played card games and started watching the first Top Gun movie because we went to watch the new one in theaters tonight😎. Fun fact: they have intermissions during every movie here and so it randomly stopped halfway through and they had the funniest commercials. Some of us are battling the inevitable fun bathroom struggles but we’re gettin through! 💪
Please continue to be praying peace, confidence, unity and good health over our team. We appreciate all our support and love from back home! 🤍
PS hi mom and dad and brothers (&maia) love you
PPS yes mom i am drinking lots of water and electrolytes

Love the photos and thank you for the update. You all look like your truly are enjoying the experience. We are continuing prayers for your team and for peace and health.