Update #2 Safe & Settled in East Africa A

Hi Family and Friends! After many hours of travel, we arrived, got settled, and began our first full day of ministry! We can’t wait to share what God is doing all around us. We will update again soon 🙂

3 responses to “Update #2 Safe & Settled in East Africa A”

  1. Carol Bathauer says:

    So glad you made it there safely. Praying for quick adaptation to time and culture change. Happiest birthdays to Titus and Chloe. Gods richest blessings to the team and those you minister to❤️

  2. Tammy says:

    It would be so great to have more specifics for those of us praying for you daily! Thanks :).

  3. Gabriele Maeder says:

    Praying unceasingly for the team.